
Showing posts from March, 2014

New projects....

Watch out, I'm scrapbooking again. Time to clean off my craft table and see what pictures need to be printed. Wish me luck. I haven't done this since last fall....

Each and every night.....

6:30-7:30 PM is battle hour in my house.... Pick up your towel. What towel The one on your pillow What pillow The pillow you sleep on Brush your teeth No, I play trains It's time to brush toofies No, play trains Screaming More screaming Fighting Banging on wall Crying It wasn't my fault! What happened? And that is where mom and dad decided it was early bed time day. Boy-oh had a long day anyway. I think he's growing. Princess was up at 6:30, so I know she was tired too. I'm ready for bed. Or for some Modern Family and popcorn. Yeah, that sounds good.

Oh where oh where

Has my month of March gone? Oh where oh where can it be? With its days cut short and the work cut long. Oh where oh where can it be? Did anyone else sing that with me? Read it again. I know you want to sing. Don't know that song? Well, that sucks. I just want to go to bed already. I'm tired and I'm trying to look too far into the week and into next month already. Big changes are happening here and i'm halt and anxious all at the same time! So wish me luck! And maybe you can get some rest for me. .... or come sing me to sleep. .....