Pain in the Butt
I should have been prepared when my doctor said it was almost a guarentee that I would have back problems with this pregnancy like I did with my first. But, I guess I thought it wouldn't happen 'til later. Or maybe I was preoccupied with the fact that I am looking to be a week and half earlier. Either way, I wasn't prepared for getting sore legs with pain that slowly traveled up to my butt and then into my back to the point that I was in tears. I finally gave up and called the doctor and was sent to traige in labor & delivery at the hospital. I kinda pleaded with the nurse at the doctor's office a little, telling her I knew it was sciatica or something similar, but better safe than sorry was the only sympathy I got. After 3 hours in the hospital and some percocet, I was feeling better. I woke up yesterday feeling great. I limped around a little bit, but not bad. Then, I got out of my mom's car at the doctor's office and the pain shot through my right leg lik...