
Showing posts with the label surgical adhesions

Ugh, Christmas Month Day 3

Making the trek back from Phoenix now. I had a follow up appointment with my pelvic pain specialist, Dr. Desai. She's amazing. She puts things straight forward with no sugar coating. She gives us all the information we need to make decisions in my healthcare. She is patient and never rushes us knowing we drive two hours to see her. With that, I (we) have decided that surgery is the next best step to take. The alternative was giving 3 months of physical therapy a shot to see if that brings any relief, but I didn't feel that was the best route to go. At least with surgery, if she finds endo lesions, she can excise them and I can start fresh. If endo isn't found, she will take a look around and cut any adhesions that could be the culprit of pain. Either way the surgery goes, we will have a clear path to follow to get my back to where I want to be. Following surgery I will likely go to physical therapy again as part of recovery. The goal is to put even more time between surge...

151 Is Not A Tribute to Bacardi... As Much As I Wouldn't Mind It To Be

I downloaded the FitStar app via my Fitbit a few months ago. I have used the free version about 4 times so far and I really like it. The free version gives you a workout a week, which isn't much, but it definitely helps with motivation. The nice thing, for me, is that the work outs are only about 15-20 minutes long, which is about all I can handle at the moment.  Staying active has become important to me in the last few years. Well, in the last 5 years since my hysterectomy. Since then, I have still dealt with pelvic pain from ovarian cysts (until I made them remove my last ovary in 2015) and endometriosis pain in my back and legs (which was finally diagnosed properly in 2015 after being suggested time and time again since about 2009), as well as debilitating migraines. Even after my 17 minute workout this morning, I am recliner bound with the heated blanket keeping heat on my back, hip and IT band, which are the source of my latest battle with pain, that I will be victo...

Another reason to love spring....

I'm going to make this short. I'm out of energy (spoons) for the day. Ironic how what is probably endometriosis resurfacing in my life happens to occur during endometriosis awareness month! I'm getting anxious to talk to my OBGYN about this. I have no clue what she'll say. I'm even more excited to talk to this pelvic pain specialist up in Phoenix in the next few months. Honestly, I don't want to have another surgery. I'd like to see what my options are first, if there are any. I guess I'll have a lot to consider when I see these doctor folk. Anywhoo.... My bed is calling me. Actually, I'm in bed in my pajamas already. I couldn't wait to climb in after the kids were tucked in. I wish I had to energy to get up and make some tea, actually. Maybe even a small glass of wine. Just something to relax me even more since I'm comfy enough. I feel like I'm rambling.... Happy Endometriosis Awareness Month!

Day by Day

Today I have officially been diagnosed with "Chronic Pelvic Pain." Well, fuck my life, right? Yeah, but I'm not going to freak out and give myself a panic attack. I'm so over that! I just don't have time to panic. I gotta take this day by day. At least it's bearable pain that's not interfering with my life [yet]. Everything so far points to scar tissues (adhesions) from all the damn surgeries I've had in my life. (I think I've surpassed lucky 13.) Guess we'll wait a spell and see what the new specialist has in mind. Oh, right! I'm apparently being referred to a doctor in Phoenix that specializes in pelvic pain. ( I'm kinda excited to see what comes of this. Maybe an end? Maybe a new diagnosis? Maybe nothing? Who knows? At least I have an excuse to visit Fluffit Marshamallows again! Look at me, l...