Ugh, Christmas Month Day 3

Making the trek back from Phoenix now. I had a follow up appointment with my pelvic pain specialist, Dr. Desai. She's amazing. She puts things straight forward with no sugar coating. She gives us all the information we need to make decisions in my healthcare. She is patient and never rushes us knowing we drive two hours to see her. With that, I (we) have decided that surgery is the next best step to take. The alternative was giving 3 months of physical therapy a shot to see if that brings any relief, but I didn't feel that was the best route to go. At least with surgery, if she finds endo lesions, she can excise them and I can start fresh. If endo isn't found, she will take a look around and cut any adhesions that could be the culprit of pain. Either way the surgery goes, we will have a clear path to follow to get my back to where I want to be. Following surgery I will likely go to physical therapy again as part of recovery. The goal is to put even more time between surge...