Halloween Seventeenth

"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet." -Stephen Hawking I haven't been excited to share a quote or read a great new book in a while. I was helping my daughter with finding an article for her homework and I came across a brief description of Stephen Hawking's last book. I'm enamored by his belief in aliens, in the idea that everything can be explained by the laws of nature and the sad realization of how divided we are. Can you imagine a moment in time where people stop and look around and realize that we are all bigger than just the bodies we inhabit on this Earth? Instead of keeping your eyes down, focused on your own existence, wouldn't it be a nice change to stop and look at the stars? Look around you, focus on how you can impact the world around you, rather than how the world impacts you. Maybe we can stop wanting to fight over opinions and unpopular beliefs and learn basic respect all over again. I notice the noise in my ...