23 days into the year and it's been great!

I was looking up more info on post hysterectomy healing since I've kinda had this "fat" feeling off and on lately. It dawned on my today that I am up against 6 months of post op swelling still. I'll be 3 months post op on Super Bowl Sunday, so I'm almost at the half way mark and still have this "swelly belly" to deal with. I still wouldn't change anything, though. I feel great, even with the fatty, swollen belly feeling. I'll take snug jeans over intense pelvic pain any damn day! The other interesting thing I've realized in the past two weeks is that I still get shitty PMS. I do have one ovary still and I'm surprised to see it working. I got the chocolate covered pickles cravings, the water retention and super bitchiness. I'm plain bitchy regularly, but super bitchy is kinda not fun. I guess staying on the Metformin helped more than I thought I would. I hate being on medication, but if it helps, I'm game. Aside from ...