
Showing posts with the label contractions

Finally September!!!

Seems like September would never get here! And now it seems like cooler weather will never get here... Nine days 'til Bella turns 4. Thirteen days 'til my scheduled C section. Two days 'til the predicted arrival of Baby Mark. I'm leaning toward the 2 day window after the week I've had. I've had contractions all week again, but none that were bad enough to call it a go until yesterday. I was napping with Bella and I woke up out of a dead sleep to the worst pain ever. I couldn't even get out of bed, and when I did, I woke up Bellini. I sat on the sofa for the next hour with Bella bringing me glass after glass of water and cuddling with me. I called Mom to pick up Bella and told Mark to get his ass home from work. Finally, it was time to go to the hospital. I got there around 5 with contractions every 3 minutes that hurt like hell in my back and legs. They decided not to stop them since I was so close to being full term. Today I'm 37 weeks. Instead, t...

A little more at ease? or not.

Monday is appointment and question day! Oh joy. The unpleasant wait in the doctor's office was set off by some good news at least. My C section date is not set in stone. If I continue to have contractions and/or if my cervix starts to change, they will probably move up the date! That's good news since my irregular contractions have gotten more intense. They hurt now no matter what. And I don't want to be miserable for 5 more weeks. Also, some nights the Tylenol PM doesn't really do the job and I wake up every few hours with contractions that keep me on the miserable side. The bad part is that if the intensity doesn't let up before my date gets moved up or between appointments, I will have to go back to L&D. I really don't want to do that, but I guess it's better to be safe than end up in an emergency, right? I guess until things move along, I'll be resting and bored and resting and more bored. But, at least Bella and I have started some projects to...

Now I'm getting aggrevated...

First of all, I can't sleep right now. I've been getting contractions again and I haven't been able to get comfortable and sleep through them. I'm hoping some Tylenol PM will do the trick. I'd rather like to be sleeping right now. Second, it became official as of yesterday that my C section is scheduled for September 15 th . Now, I said I wasn't gonna think about it or anything, but I'm a little pissed off about it. I've been measuring a week and a half head for about 3 months now and it was confirmed by my last ultrasound. That puts my due date at around September 13 th , two days before my scheduled C section. I know doctors know best, but with all these damn contractions and not being able to work and how big the baby is, I would have liked them to move up the due date, even a little, and schedule earlier. Really, I'm scared shitless of going into labor. Hell, I'm even scared right now that if these contractions keep me up tonight, I will p...

Irritable Uterus?!?!?!

After an exhausting weekend with two trips to labor and delivery, I'm on watch. At first I woke up on Sunday morning with this horrible pain in my side that didn't go away no matter if I laid down, walked around or took Tylenol. I called the doctor and off the L&D I went. I got there having contractions, which we thought was where the pain was coming from. The doctor on call chalked it up to round ligament pain and sent me home with percocet. Between Sunday night and Monday morning, I was still having contractions. They were coming about 5 an hour, every hour and weren't stopping. I called my doctor's office to follow up and see if I could get an appointment, but they sent me back to L&D. Not really what I wanted to do, but I was miserable. Turns out I was indeed having contractions, averaging about 1 every 10 minutes and they weren't stopping. This was pretty much what I experienced when I had Bella. At 36 weeks, I started having contractions that really di...


So, that's my "predicted" due date. Hell, it's worth shooting for. The less time I can be miserable, the better. The only thing is, if I'm having a scheduled C section, this date is a Sunday, meaning, I'm going into labor. But, my doctor has assured me that if that happens, I can just walk into L&D and tell them about my scheduled C section and they'll call the doctor and do it then. That's nice, as long as it works out like that. I'm still scared shitless of going into labor. It hurts. These lovely Braxton -Hicks contractions that I've been having are bad enough. They usually raise my anxiety level a few notches. Aside from the still achy back and practice contractions, I'm hot an miserable. My feet and hands are starting to swell and I feel like I'm always in a bad mood. I also am limited in the things I can do with Bella and that has been bothering the both of us. Thursdays have always been our days together since I'm off wo...