Now I'm getting aggrevated...

First of all, I can't sleep right now. I've been getting contractions again and I haven't been able to get comfortable and sleep through them. I'm hoping some Tylenol PM will do the trick. I'd rather like to be sleeping right now.

Second, it became official as of yesterday that my C section is scheduled for September 15th. Now, I said I wasn't gonna think about it or anything, but I'm a little pissed off about it. I've been measuring a week and a half head for about 3 months now and it was confirmed by my last ultrasound. That puts my due date at around September 13th, two days before my scheduled C section. I know doctors know best, but with all these damn contractions and not being able to work and how big the baby is, I would have liked them to move up the due date, even a little, and schedule earlier. Really, I'm scared shitless of going into labor. Hell, I'm even scared right now that if these contractions keep me up tonight, I will probably need to go in. (The doc said I should be able to sleep through them or rest/drink water to get them to slow down at least... all of which I've been doing with no let up yet.) Maybe I'm just over thinking things.... but, say my water breaks on a Wednesday afternoon... it could be an hour or more before my husband can get home to take me to the hospital plus at least an hour before I can get someone here to watch Bella since she won't be able to come with. Or even if I start getting contractions that get worse and worse and need to go in, same thing. I dunno... I'm hoping to ask lots of questions on Monday at my appointment. I wonder if my cervix starts changing (they are checking it because of the contractions) if they'll reschedule for an earlier date.

*sigh* I just don't know what to expect or do right now. I'm also bored and I miss work. I think somehow I knew I wouldn't be able to work until before my due date, but I hoped I would be able to. I also hoped I would be able to do things like normal for a little longer. It's taking its toll on me and I think a little bit on Bella too. There's only so many cookies you can make in a week!

Well then, I'm gonna go play Farmville or something until I get a little more sleepy. I hope I do and can go to sleep. I REALLY don't wanna go to L&D if these contractions keep me up. That would make my Friday a bunch of such. Plus, I promised Bella we'd go to the dollar store to get glitter for our art projects. What girl doesn't like glitter??


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