A little more at ease? or not.

Monday is appointment and question day! Oh joy. The unpleasant wait in the doctor's office was set off by some good news at least. My C section date is not set in stone. If I continue to have contractions and/or if my cervix starts to change, they will probably move up the date! That's good news since my irregular contractions have gotten more intense. They hurt now no matter what. And I don't want to be miserable for 5 more weeks. Also, some nights the Tylenol PM doesn't really do the job and I wake up every few hours with contractions that keep me on the miserable side. The bad part is that if the intensity doesn't let up before my date gets moved up or between appointments, I will have to go back to L&D. I really don't want to do that, but I guess it's better to be safe than end up in an emergency, right?

I guess until things move along, I'll be resting and bored and resting and more bored. But, at least Bella and I have started some projects to keep us busy during the day. I'll have to post pics of what we make. =)

Until next time...


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