Oh pregnancy...

I'm bored. I'm tired. I have the blahs. I just don't feel right. So, tell me what's new, right???

Well, I got that ultrasound that I've been waiting for. I was measuring 34 weeks, 3 days, so tomorrow I'd be 35 weeks. Yup, still ahead. And Baby Mark is about 5 pounds, what they've been estimating him at for a few weeks now. With that in mind, I had another appointment today as I'm not going in weekly because of my irritable uterus. The doctor doesn't wait to schedule my C-section until September 15th. I really, truly don't think I'm going to hold out that long. I just accepted the date, knowing that I'll probably go into labor and have an unscheduled C-section. I'm not worried about it. I'm just taking things a week at a time. I've got things to keep me busy. I can't lie, I miss working, but I guess it's better to be at home in case something does happen.

In the meantime, I've got meals to plan, thank yous to write, scrapbooking to do and christmas stuff to start on. Yeah, I've started Christmas shopping already. Might as well get it done early, huh?

I do have to say thank you to everyone who made our baby shower last weekend so special! We got a lot of the things we need and have since been able to finish baby's room. We keep joking that all we need is baby now. =) It was nice seeing our friends and being able to catch up. It was also great that everyone brought their kids because Bella had a blast playing! She is very much looking forward to being a big sister!

Anywhoo... Bella is bugging to get on YouTube, so I guess I'll share my ultrasound picture and bid you adieu until next time...


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