It's official...

I'm taking an early leave from work per my doctor. I was able to push up my appointment to Tuesday (yesterday) since I've still been contracting and just feeling crappy. I took time to explain my concerns to her and let her know I've been timing, logging and researching to no end. I also expressed that I DID NOT want to keep going to L&D. So... she recommended I stop working and keep resting and keep hydrated and go see her weekly now. They'll be checking my cervix to make sure the contractions aren't opening it too early. She also gave me better guidelines on when to go back to L&D. Of course she couldn't guarantee I'd stay away from the hospital, but at least I'm more comfortable now than I was before. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Friday to see how big baby Mark is getting. Maybe in the next week or two they can schedule my C-section and I can start planning. My goal is to hold out 'til after Bella's birthday party at least. I'm sure that is a good goal since the doctor was pretty sure it is still way to early for baby to come out. That leaves me to shoot for Uncle Pat's predicted date of September 4th. We shall see. I'm taking bets now. =)

Anywhoo... This Saturday I had a lovely baby shower! The food was good and the company was great! Everyone had a good time. The cake was spectacular! For such a large cake, there's not very much left. =) Today I was able to go to Target and finish up some shopping. Baby Mark's room is now 100% ready for him. We just have a few things to do, like install the car seat and finish packing for the hospital, and then it'll be a waiting game. I'm just hoping I don't get too bored at home. While I'm gonna miss working, I'm happy being home. I was more afraid to be at work and have bad contractions and have no one to go to the hospital with me. That idea kinda scared the crap out of me to be truthful.

Well, goodnight for now. Let's see what the rest of the week brings... maybe more bargain shopping or more baby updates??


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