
Showing posts with the label metformin

September Eighteenth

I haven't posted about September being Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome awareness month. This is actually where my health journey started. I was diagnosed with PCOS in spring of 2006. I was immediately put on Metformin to regulate my insulin and try to get my hormones to work normally. It worked, and I was having more and more normal periods, for the first time ever in my life. Then, we decided we should try for a baby. In November 2006, I was told it was not going to be possible to conceive and they started me on more meds to see if it was possible for me to ovulate normally. I was pregnant 4 weeks later. I was one of the lucky ones.  Fast forward to the present. I no longer have ovaries, thus I really don't have PCOS anymore. But, I still have a lot of the hormonal symptoms, which also cross over to the hormonal issues I have with endometriosis. I get cystic acne, which I have started seeing a dermatologist for. I find it more and more difficult to lose weight, alt...

23 days into the year and it's been great!

I was looking up more info on post hysterectomy healing since I've kinda had this "fat" feeling off and on lately. It dawned on my today that I am up against 6 months of post op swelling still. I'll be 3 months post op on Super Bowl Sunday, so I'm almost at the half way mark and still have this "swelly belly" to deal with. I still wouldn't change anything, though. I feel great, even with the fatty, swollen belly feeling. I'll take snug jeans over intense pelvic pain any damn day! The other interesting thing I've realized in the past two weeks is that I still get shitty PMS. I do have one ovary still and I'm surprised to see it working. I got the chocolate covered pickles cravings, the water retention and super bitchiness. I'm plain bitchy regularly, but super bitchy is kinda not fun. I guess staying on the Metformin helped more than I thought I would. I hate being on medication, but if it helps, I'm game.  Aside from ...

Breathing Easy

Well.... I've been busy. And lousy at posting. OK , just lousy. Forgive me. The shot of Toridol I got at the end of September really helped! In two days, I was pain free and able to go back to work. I tried another round of Provera to bring on a period and then was sort of talked into trying Clomid again, since after the surgery, we may have more luck. The Provera and Clomid have started making me nauseous a lot and I've lost about 9 pounds this month. I also have been reading that nausea is another symptom often related to PCOS . It's NOT the metformin as I'm on the extended release and have had no problems with metformin for months. I'm also NOT pregnant as I have yet to ovulate since the surgery. Nausea can be caused by cysts, which I'm not 100% sure I have again, but it is likely. After the last round of Clomid , I had follicles on each ovary, but none big enough to trigger ovulation, so the follicles may have developed into cysts again. At least I...

Ovaires, why must you keep failing me?!?!?!

More pain. Same story. It started about a week and a half ago as a dull pain around my C-section scar area. Last night it got worse. I was wide awake with sharp stabbing pains on my left side. I was finally able to go back to sleep and wake up fine. But, after a few hours today, the pain came back. I could feel it in my leg and my butt! I called the doctor and they said to come in right away. I went in and had a ultrasound to reveal another cyst. Yuck. Ouch. The doctor said it may be because I should be getting a period, but since my period was late, maybe not. I'm taking another round of Provera starting tonight and I'm gonna take some pain killers to help ease the pain. This sucks. I can't believe that after switching doctors and after more tests and meds, the same problem is still persisting. The doctor also wanted me to try increasing the dosage of my Metformin, but the last few times that happened, I was so sick and miserable. I had blood drawn today, with results comi...

More appointments and tests....

Yesterday I had my second appointment with the specialst. Things look good. My bloodwork came back normal, but of course, I was told that it could be the metformin that's making me normal. I'm staying on the metformin and trying another round of clomid. In the next week I have to have a hysterosalpingography (HSG) or what they call a dye test. Thet shoot dye into my uterus and fallopianubes and look for things that can be wrong like scarring, fibriods or blocked tubes. I'm supposed to have this done by next Friday at the latest. I have my follow up appointment next Thursday, so before Thursday would be better. I just have to wait for them to call me and schedule since I have to go to the hospital to have that done. I was hoping it would be an in office procedure. Depending on how the HSG and the clomid go, I may have to have a laproscopy done as well. Not excited. I'm going to try to get to my old doctor in the next week to request a copy of my medical records since the...