More appointments and tests....

Yesterday I had my second appointment with the specialst. Things look good. My bloodwork came back normal, but of course, I was told that it could be the metformin that's making me normal. I'm staying on the metformin and trying another round of clomid. In the next week I have to have a hysterosalpingography (HSG) or what they call a dye test. Thet shoot dye into my uterus and fallopianubes and look for things that can be wrong like scarring, fibriods or blocked tubes. I'm supposed to have this done by next Friday at the latest. I have my follow up appointment next Thursday, so before Thursday would be better. I just have to wait for them to call me and schedule since I have to go to the hospital to have that done. I was hoping it would be an in office procedure. Depending on how the HSG and the clomid go, I may have to have a laproscopy done as well. Not excited. I'm going to try to get to my old doctor in the next week to request a copy of my medical records since the new doctor isn't sure how the diagnosis of PCOS was originally founded. I think it takes about a month for them to release the medical records, so we'll see what that's all about.

Anywhoo, if you're new to my blogging, my old blog can be found at I've been blogging my fight with my PCOS for the last couple of months. It's been about 14 months since I've been having bad problems with the symptoms and with unexplained pain that is life consuming at times. I hope to find other people fighting PCOS and explore different issues with the disease. There isn't much research out there on PCOS, so it seems like doctors rely on treating the symptoms and look at is case by case, of course, that's only when it is porperly diagnosed.

Anywhoo... I guess I'll wait by the phone to see when this HSG is going to bed done...


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