HSG fun times??

I spent the first part of my day nervous about this HSG test. Luckily, I have a friend who works in radiology and I was able to call the tech doing the test to ask questions. It helped put my mind at ease.

The test was quick and easy. My husband, Mark, got to be in the room with me. He made everyone laugh with his quirky little comments. He also got to wear an ultra-cool superman lead apron. Yes, there's a picture of it on Facebook.

I got a few bad cramps during the test and I'm still having bad cramps. I'm just mostly cranky and uncomfortable right now. The doctor said there were not blockages in my fallopina tubes and everything looked fine. Now, we just need to get me to ovulate like normal. I have a follow up appointment this Thursday to see what we do next.

It's time for me to get back to the couch. Moving around isn't helping the cramps and I need some good brain rotting TV to relax me. Haha!

We shall see what this week brings...


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