
Showing posts with the label headache

September Tenth

More appointments today. I can't catch a break. My days are busy and I don't want them to be. I am anxiously awaiting vacation in October. Hopefully next week will slow down so I can start making packing lists and all that fun stuff. Today I did my sets is squats. I am going to try some heat when I get home and sit down to pay bills. Maybe I'll be able to hit the treadmill this afternoon and finish with some stretching. I haven't stuck to my plan.  So the treadmill didn't happen and I got hit with fatigue really bad again. Looking at the calendar, it's that time of the month for migraines and all the shit that comes with my phantom cycle. I guess now is where I cross my fingers and hope the preventative meds work their magic so I am not left with a migraine that lasts for days on end. My week is too busy for that.  Tuesday Update: I took my Maxalt (med to abort a migraine) at bed time last time and I pretty much passed out within minutes, like...

August Seventeenth

Today I begin the daunting task of finding a new OBGYN as well as scheduling all my follow ups for the rest of the year. I barely have the energy to do this, but it's gotta get done. Seeing my primary today so I can hopefully get a B12 shot and a shiny new referral to follow up with my endo specialist in Phoenix. I also need to create a document with all my previous surgeries, doctors, medications, etc. I am so not in the mood for this today. I don't think I'm ever in the mood to look back on all this. My to-do list isn't all medical records and appointments, though. I will be putting an application in to be a contributing writer to a digital health community that I have been following for some time. I figure another writing project won't hurt. It's been great for me these last few weeks and I intend to keep up on it, as well as keeping up on my health routines despite this week's set back. I really should be used to these flare ups as I know the s...

August Fourteenth

No blog post for the Thirteenth as I landed myself in the ER with, what we now know, was the worst migraine I've ever experienced. About 4:15 yesterday, I got extremely dizzy and my vision went blurry, worse than any migraine aura I've ever had. 45 minutes later, I was light headed, could barely move and just wanted to sleep. Fast forward to the ER, where they thought I was having a stroke. I don't even know what all went on last night as I was so out of it.  I've spent the day resting, which was doctor's orders. I'm supposed to avoid sun, screens and stress. And I need to rehydrate as my potassium was really low (again).  I'm ending here. My head still hurts and I'm weak. The couch is calling.