September Eleventh

Thirty-six hours of labor and an emergency C-section, that began with no anesthesia, later, this little nugget came into our lives and made me a happy momma. Not gonna lie, I totally wanted a girl as my first baby. I wanted someone that I could help shape into a strong willed, goal achieving woman much like myself. I think I have succeeded so far as the amount of stubbornness in her soul could move mountains, or root them further into the Earth. Happy Golden Birthday, Angel! I'm sure you're at school right now being the center of attention and basking in the birthday wishes from all around. You were born to be in the spotlight, baby, and I know if you keep pushing, you'll be queen of whatever you set your mind to. The world is big and scary, but you can tame it and make it your own. Nothing's impossible and your strong will can prove that to you and to anyone that tries to tell you otherwise. You have that same magic in your veins that I found in mine and it will se...