August Thirtieth

Today I had my appointment with my neurologist to discuss my migraines. I just have to say, I love it when doctors can shut me up. I have that stubborn streak in me, but it also means that they do have the answers I need. I am still taking a migraine preventative and have added a fast acting migraine med. Last time I was on this medication, I hated it. I distinctly remember the last time I took it. It knocked me out and I woke up in a pool of sweat and drool completely disoriented. I hate that feeling and I hate taking meds that make me feel that way. I feel like I lose time and productivity. The neurologist countered my dislike of this med by pointing out... Would you rather be knocked out for a few hours and wake up with no migraine or have one for four days again? Yeah, I guess you know my answer. Today I also attended the first Parent Teacher Committee meeting at the kids' school. I'm so excited to be a part of something again since we opted to not do Girl Scouts this yea...