August Thirtieth

Today I had my appointment with my neurologist to discuss my migraines. I just have to say, I love it when doctors can shut me up. I have that stubborn streak in me, but it also means that they do have the answers I need. I am still taking a migraine preventative and have added a fast acting migraine med. Last time I was on this medication, I hated it. I distinctly remember the last time I took it. It knocked me out and I woke up in a pool of sweat and drool completely disoriented. I hate that feeling and I hate taking meds that make me feel that way. I feel like I lose time and productivity. The neurologist countered my dislike of this med by pointing out... Would you rather be knocked out for a few hours and wake up with no migraine or have one for four days again? Yeah, I guess you know my answer.

Today I also attended the first Parent Teacher Committee meeting at the kids' school. I'm so excited to be a part of something again since we opted to not do Girl Scouts this year. I'm just hoping I can keep on my plan to take care of myself so I can continue to be an active member. I love helping out at the school and building on their sense of community. Kids need that. Families need that. Plus, it's a great opportunity to make more friends and feed the social butterfly in me.

After the PTC meeting, I realized that no matter what happens in these next few months, I haven't given up on my dreams and goals. I have known for years what new career I want to get into, but I have always kept this big wall between me and that goal. I feel like this meeting helped me look over the wall to see the possibilities instead of just staring at the wall and trying to break it down when it won't budge. Again, I have to pay homage to my new mantra... Nothing's Impossible.


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