August Twenty Eigth

I feel mildly like a psychopath. I'm soaking in a hot bath of epsom salt and listening to Carnifex while it's 100degrees out and my AC is excelling at its job. My legs haven't stopped hurting since I went to the ER two and a half weeks ago. My back started spasming shortly after and apparently caused my IT band to tighten again in my right leg as well as my piriformis muscles. Makes it feel like I'm on a medieval rack with my hips being pulled in opposite directions. My calves have also tightened up to keep everything in place. I hurt. And I'm trying my best to alleviate this cluster fuck of muscles that also feel like they weigh a thousand pounds.

But, I digress in my complaints. I walked two miles this morning!

Let's digress again.... I have never considered those metal handles in the bathtub until this very moment. Right now. I'm contemplating how the hell I'm going to get out of the tub. I'll let you know how it goes....

It went fine. I'm alive and unscathed. However, I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. Last night was rough. I heard every.  Little. Noise. And I triple checked that the doors were locked. And then I kicked the dog out of the bed. But that was because she moves around so very much when she's asleep. And then I slept through my alarm this morning. And shit, it's barely Tuesday.

I'll have to tell you about my adventure today in tomorrow's blog. And then I can upload some pictures too. But not til I have relaxed a bit since that's my agenda for tomorrow in order to prevent a lack of sleep migraine. I also had two benedryls this evening to help, and to curb my sneezing fits.

Do you hear that? Netflix is calling. And so is my pillow. And my blanket just texted me to get under it.


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