August Ninth

Today was just so normal, I don't know what to think! Maybe I caught a break from the universe. Maybe it's my little reward for keeping with my goal plans. Nine days in and I'm feeling good!

I had some leftover sausage for lunch and my cold brew for breakfast. Lots of water again. Might treat myself with a glass of wine this evening. Making some simple chicken strips for dinner since the kids are at Nana's for a bit. They have stayed on top of homework and chores this week, so this is a little break for them.

I'm on the treadmill again. I can't wait for it to cool down so I can take the dog for walks outside and maybe enjoy the neighborhood park. It's just too hot still. And humid as the rain made an early appearance this week. It didn't wait for the weekend like it was supposed to. It's fine, since my plants needed water anyway. And I've been enjoying falling asleep listening to the rain.

I'm going to try to set aside some time to work on editing first day of school pics this evening. I'm in snail mode, though. I slept through my alarm this morning. I have no idea how. I'm glad my body clock wakes me up around 6 no matter what day of the week. Today would have been chaos if I was too late getting up.

Here's a few of those first day of school pics... I did carve out a little time. 


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