August Sixth

"I was kinda getting sick of dreaming." Is a direct quote from Loki this morning as he got out of bed to get ready for his first day of second grade far earlier than he should have. Both kids were so excited for their first day of school. New school for Loki, new campus for Bellini. And when we picked them up this evening, they both said replied in unison, "AWESOME!" when asked how their day was. Made me so happy, that we needed to celebrate with burgers. 

Yeah, I know, burgers really aren't on this diet plan unless they're wrapped in lettuce. It was technically the only meal I had time for today. I am NOT a breakfast person. My breakfast is usually coffee, water and my daily pill regime. Lunch is usually pretty light, but today lunch consisted of cold brew coffee with almond milk and all the pecans out of a bad of trail mix I ate while working my ass off. (Yes, most definitely busy season at work.) The point is, I refuse to get down on myself for enjoying a tasty burger. Guilt is a pointless emotion. Also, tomorrow I am off work and aside for an allergy appointment and setting up and getting in the pool, I plan on watching those pesky carbs again.

I miss my treadmill, but I think I'm going to attempt to get up early and go for a run before we have to take the babies to school. I think it's doable. Just gotta get into bed at a decent time and not get sucked into TV land. I have a plan, though!

Here's a quick peek at today's photo session:


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