August Twelfth

Greetings from the pool that I have all to myself today. Music is going, got my delicious vanilla and cranberry iced tea. I should have brought a book too. It's ok, I can work on blog content while I work on my tan. That in itself is comical, because if you know me at all, I'm quite happy being pale. And I bathe in sunscreen. I keep it next to the pool too. 

I'm also trying to decide what else to do today. I took off my stiletto nails this morning and I feel a little naked now. Might just leave them natural for a few days and then use the last of my UofA wraps since it's that season.

You know, I start getting a little lonely when I have the house to myself. It's the social butterfly in me that needs the company. I wish my brain would just let me enjoy the break.

Oh! I see a new doctor this week. My "regular" OBGYN was doubtful I still had endometriosis. I even explained that I had photos and a pathology report that proved otherwise. She also told me I was out of HRT options and gave me a brochure to order some supplement from Sweden that may or may not help after a few months. I'll pass until I get another opinion, thanks. Now I just have to get all my paperwork and crap together to see what this doctor has to say. I hate doing this, but I have to be my own advocate. It comes with the incurable chronic illness I guess. Bleh.

I survived a day with the house to myself! I had a delicious buffalo chicken sandwich for lunch and made wild rice and chicken soup for dinner. I will probably pack a sandwich for lunch tomorrow on one of my little low carb buns. And an apple with peanut butter. I'm craving peanut butter. I am marinading pork chops for dinner tomorrow with either green beans or carrots. 

It looks like another storm in coming in tonight, which is just awesome. I put a handful of spinach seeds in a planter today to see if they will grow with all the rain water. Guess we'll see if they do.

I'm off to prep for Monday. Here's to another good week ahead!



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