August Tenth

I'm laughing pretty hard to myself right now. Not only because it's 8:15pm and I'm finally getting a break today after hitting the ground running at 5:30 this morning, but because of something odd that my son encountered at school. He was wearing a baseball cap with a skull on it and got stopped in the hall at school to be reminded to remove his hat indoors AND to be told he wasn't allowed to wear anything with skulls on it. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Wrong kid to tell that to! If only the knew my affection for skulls. My kitchen in covered in them. My bathroom too. My bedroom and my living room. And I have one tattooed on me. My daughter has name stickers with skulls on her school supplies. My son also has a Misfits button on his bag... WITH SKULLS! Why no skulls? Oh, don't worry, I emailed the assistant principal my inquiry. I anxiously await his answer. Maybe I should invite him over for tea... served in my skull cups and stirred with my skull spoon. And serve crudité on my skull plates.... OK, now I'm laughing out loud to myself. Fifteen hours of non stop kicking ass and getting shit done will do that to you.

I need a an alcoholic beverage. Consider this an SOS to bring me a wine cube (red only please) and a straw. Consider this a commercial break while I check the pantry......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Now I have a nice, rich, full bodied cab that tastes like Christmas. You know, the kind of wine you'd eat with a hearty meal or a with a charcuterie spread at a party. Absolutely delicious!

I ate like crap today, which goes with the being so busy I had to pee for 20 minutes before I flung the front door open and shoved my kids and dog out of the way to use the loo kinda day. I ate a cookie and a handful of chips at work. I then had Burger King chicken nuggets and a Diet Coke in my car in between stopping at my kids' school to visit the front office and then picking them up when school got out. But, hey, I've walked 18,000 steps today, so I guess the shitty eating won't throw a huge wrench into my food goals.

I also did grocery shopping. And I was going to snag one of those "Free Fruit For Kids" goodies when no one was looking but it was full of bananas and I'd rather eat a turd than a banana. The thought of a banana in mouth and even the smell of a banana turns my stomach. Thank you, pregnancy weirdness that has stayed with me for over 11 years. About 30 minutes after the sad faced, grossed out banana musings, the nausea hit hard walking down the chip aisle. I currently think it was a combination of BK nuggets and being tired that caused it. Unfortunately when I over-do things, my endo symptoms flare. Nausea is one of the top symptoms I get.

I'm feeling fine now, but my back is slowly starting to spasm. Also, this wine is doing it's thing. I need to end here and turn on some mindless TV for 30 minutes... because I think I will be passed out in bed next to my laptop and empty wine glass in about 28 minutes, which is being a tad generous. I really give it about 17 minutes.

Until tomorrow, here's a skull picture to make me happy:


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