Stop complaining...
I have something to say. Without playing sides of the political party spectrum (I don't really give a shit who you vote for, as long as you vote and I expect you to hold the same sentiment to me), there’s a lot to be said of the “haves” and “have-nots.” I’m a little tired of people picking on Romney because he has money and we all wish we could be wealthy and provide the best for our families. Obama wasn’t exactly working poor before he took office, though. Can you correct me if I’m wrong about that, please? Money doesn’t make life easier, hard work does. You can get through life with a little hard work. I was able to work through college and still focus on my school work and graduate with a BA. (I've done it, so stop bitching about how hard it is.) I started my first full time job in high school. I even took an ear full of crap from one of my high school teachers saying that I wouldn’t be able to graduate college if I had to work and study at the same time. Lady, who ...