Stop complaining...

I have something to say. Without playing sides of the political party spectrum (I don't really give a shit who you vote for, as long as you vote and I expect you to hold the same sentiment to me), there’s a lot to be said of the “haves” and “have-nots.” I’m a little tired of people picking on Romney because he has money and we all wish we could be wealthy and provide the best for our families. Obama wasn’t exactly working poor before he took office, though. Can you correct me if I’m wrong about that, please?

Money doesn’t make life easier, hard work does. You can get through life with a little hard work. I was able to work through college and still focus on my school work and graduate with a BA. (I've done it, so stop bitching about how hard it is.) I started my first full time job in high school. I even took an ear full of crap from one of my high school teachers saying that I wouldn’t be able to graduate college if I had to work and study at the same time. Lady, who else was going to pay my way? I did receive scholarships and grants for college, but I still had to work to pay my bills. I lived with my boyfriend (who is now my husband) and had to pay rent and electricity and buy groceries, just like a lot of college students. And guess what, I did it. I even made my own car payments and my own insurance payments. I do have to admit that I received help from my parents along the way, but they have never had to pay my rent or mortgage or for my car. I work hard for those things and I still do. Most of us receive help from our families in one way or another. I’m sure some of us have had grandma watch the kids so we can go out or have had dinner at an aunt’s house or had our brother help us move before.

As far as having two working parents, I have pulled through that too. It is hard to juggle work and child care, especially when you rely on family for child care, but it can be done. I know it sucks to use a sick day when your baby has a cold, only to have to work through your cold the following week. It happens. It’s the sacrifice we make to have kids. If you can’t sacrifice, why the hell did you have kids in the first place? If money is that tight, I think it's time to pawn that Xbox the next time you need to take a sick day. Even when my husband lost his job, we still pulled through. We may have used up our savings to stay afloat, but we never drowned.

Now, I am very lucky that my husband is fortunate enough to have a well-paying job so that I can work only very part time, but who else is going to take my daughter to school? Who else is going to make sure my son is well taken care of? I’d much rather clip a bag full of coupons and budget every last penny than give up time with my kids. It is possible to do. I’d much rather give up a family vacation to be able to volunteer at my daughter’s school and take her to Girl Scouts than work a full time job and have miss out. We are by far not wealthy. We have our fair share of debts. You don’t have to be wealthy to be a stay home mom or to work part time and be there for your kids. I think people out there are viewing things through a veil of green.  Jealousy is a fucking bitch. But, if we all kept our noses in our own shit, we could back that bitch up.

Just keep working hard. It gets tiring. It gets stressful. Sometimes you think it won't ever end. But, at least at the end of the day you can say you are proud of working your ass off. My family is proud to say we’ve worked hard. It is so much more satisfying than saying we stood in line for food stamps all day. I’d also much rather my kids grow up seeing how hard work pays off than to think it is ok to complain about other people that have more than you do.

Which reminds me, I can recall numerous times my daughter had cried when I went to work or still cries when her daddy works 12 hour days. It’s another difficult thing to face, but she understands that we have to work hard for the nice things we have and to keep out home and to have TV. She has even been doing chores for an allowance since she was 3 ½. She also knows how to take money to the bank to put in savings and she even can say how much of her own money she wants to spend when we go out.  We have taught her how hard work pays off and I hope it's something that always stays with her. 

Maybe if we all could learn how to save a little money, we’d all be happier too. I don’t know… it just seems like those that complain are the ones getting their nails done or always getting new cel phones. Maybe if you took that $25 and went to the bank instead of the nail salon each month, you’d have something to be proud of. It’s just a thought. Or, instead of ordering that pizza tonight, you can scour your pantry for something to make at home and save a little more. I know the argument here is that people need a treat. Sometimes you just need that BigMac or that manicure. Maybe. Or, maybe you can save a little now for a better treat later.

Maybe you think I’m a bitch for my opinions, but I have seen both sides of the spectrum. I have known plenty of “have-nots” and have seen their way of life. I’m just too nice to mention who they are or give specific details. I know people that “have” and who really truly aren’t happy. Again, I know some personally, but I am far above pointing fingers. I’d rather worry about myself and forget the rest. Maybe I also just have a deeply seeded belief that if I can’t help myself, why should I expect others to bail be out? It’s the Satanist in me keeping me going some days. We can all learn something from that. Wouldn’t things be a little easier if we just worried about ourselves first and everyone else can take a far back seat? Worry about your own kids and your own finances and your own bank account. Maybe then you can earn an opinion on how others make and spend their money. 


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