August Second

I think in found a sort of niche blogging from treadmill.

Work today was a beast, so I'm trying to destress before I work a little more this evening. It's that time of the year for me.

I was on track eating well yesterday with intermittent fasting. My splurge was chunky peanut butter out of the jar. I had left over chicken tenders for lunch and I'm totally undecided about dinner except for a rogue beer I found in back of the fridge. I'm sure that will pair well with the buffalo marinated chicken I'll probably toss on the grill in a bit. 

I'm hoping tomorrow I can make time to call for my medical records and to make a follow-up appointment with my pelvic pain specialist in Phoenix. I hate all these damn appointments. I also spaced my B12 shot for July, so I'll have to get that done too.

Ah well, my stress I'm now in check. Time to start the grill, pour my bet and get some more work done. 

Side note... one of the best compliments I've received was from a girl at work today that said with my high ponytail with big curls I reminded her of Madonna. For those that know me, know I love Madonna. I have a canvas print of the True Blue album cover by my desk and a huge print of a promo image from Celebration in my closet. Not to mention all the collectable editions of her albums (Hard Candy with candy inside! and Confessions with a journal inside! and more!) So, yeah, that totally made my day!


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