August Fourth

Greetings and salutations from my beloved treadmill!

I actually dreamed last night for the first time in a long while. I usually fall asleep with so much in my mind and then fantasizing about how to make my life better. I've been great about carrying around a journal again to jot down ideas and get things out of my head. Best therapy ever for me!

Loki has taken more of an interest in music lately. Yesterday he watched music videos with Mark quite intently. And then when I asked him if he wanted me to trim his hair, he said no because he had to grow it out to do his mohawk. I put the pieces together last night in that he really liked the hair style of one of the guys in a music video. It wasn't quite a mohawk, but longer hair was involved. I'll be looking for that picture to post. This morning he asked if he could put music on his tablet, so I agreed that he could have his own Spotify account. I guess I need to invest in more Bluetooth speakers for the kids rooms now.

Oh! Before I forget, my pizza salad was amazing! Cesear salad with buffalo chicken breast (from the day before), pepperoni, bacon, and shaved parmesan. I ate the whole thing! Today we're making breakfast for dinner. I'll be having my protein pancakes and I can't wait!

This weekend also involves getting the kids ready for school on Monday. We are all excited..... Except for the waking up early part. My body clock is programmed for 6ish, so hopefully 530 won't be a bad transition. I need my beauty sleep.

Loki's "mohawk" idea (which is now denies):

Also found this gem of the drummer from the same band (Slaughter to Prevail), which just may make this Loki's new favorite band along with their cool masks.


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