Ovaires, why must you keep failing me?!?!?!

More pain. Same story. It started about a week and a half ago as a dull pain around my C-section scar area. Last night it got worse. I was wide awake with sharp stabbing pains on my left side. I was finally able to go back to sleep and wake up fine. But, after a few hours today, the pain came back. I could feel it in my leg and my butt! I called the doctor and they said to come in right away. I went in and had a ultrasound to reveal another cyst. Yuck. Ouch. The doctor said it may be because I should be getting a period, but since my period was late, maybe not. I'm taking another round of Provera starting tonight and I'm gonna take some pain killers to help ease the pain. This sucks. I can't believe that after switching doctors and after more tests and meds, the same problem is still persisting. The doctor also wanted me to try increasing the dosage of my Metformin, but the last few times that happened, I was so sick and miserable. I had blood drawn today, with results coming Monday. Then, I get to go back to the doctor in two weeks and see where we go from here.... As if I needed more stress in my damn life!


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