What's going on....

Well, I see it's been weeks since I've posted anything about my lovely health issues. Last time, I had a cyst on my left ovary that was giving me a great deal of pain. About a week after that, I was back in the doctor's office with more pain, on the right side of my pelvis. An ultrasound revealed a cyst on my right ovary. "F my life" ran through my head a few times. I was still finishing the Provera prescription, so my doctor was confident that the pain would go away once I got my period. But, it was also time to discuss other options. My other option was surgery, which I kinda knew would have happened sooner or later. The doctor submitted the paperwork with my insurance and said they would call me before the week was up.

Halfway through the week, I got my period! But, it was the worst pain I had ever felt. I was up most of the night moaning and groaning in pain. I kept my husband awake too apparently. I called the doctor the next morning again and went back in to see what going on. They decided that it was endometriosis (on top of having PCOS) that was causing the pain. They gave me some Tylenol with Codeine and told me to definitely get the surgery done soon and that surgery should take care of the problem.

So, now I'm scheduled to have a laparoscopy and a hysteroscopy tomorrow at noon. I went for my pre anesthesia appointment last Wednesday and my pre surgery appointment last Friday. I had been nervous all week, but this weekend hasn't been so bad. I've been cleaning the house and getting things done that I won't be able to do next week. We even went to the Ice Cream Social at the zoo last night in the rain and at pizza on the living room floor picnic style last night. Today has been a lazy day, but as evening draws near, my nerves are kicking in. I can't eat or drink anything after midnight, not even water, so watch what you put in front of me until then, 'cos I'll probably eat it!

The cool thing about the surgery is that I'll get to see pictures at my follow up appointment next Tuesday. I'm kinda excited to see what they find. They're looking for polyps, fibroids, adhesions, scar tissue, and anything else that doesn't belong in my uterus or around my ovaries. I just really really really hope this is the answer to being pain free. I figure I'll have to deal with cysts the rest of my life as there is no cure for PCOS, but there's no reason I should have to live with pain. Also, maybe this will restore my ability to have more kids. I don't want an army, but maybe just a playmate for Bella. That would be nice. I still have not quite dealt with the emotional issues that have come with what they call secondary infertility. I still get angry at people who have kids that can't take care of them or don't appreciate them or don't want them. It seems like it's when you want kids that you can't have them, right? But, that's a different thing to explore altogether. Maybe another day.

For now, I'm gonna go check on my chicken in the oven and decide if I'm going to bake a cake or not. I'll let you know how everything goes...


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