
So, that's my "predicted" due date. Hell, it's worth shooting for. The less time I can be miserable, the better. The only thing is, if I'm having a scheduled C section, this date is a Sunday, meaning, I'm going into labor. But, my doctor has assured me that if that happens, I can just walk into L&D and tell them about my scheduled C section and they'll call the doctor and do it then. That's nice, as long as it works out like that. I'm still scared shitless of going into labor. It hurts. These lovely Braxton-Hicks contractions that I've been having are bad enough. They usually raise my anxiety level a few notches.

Aside from the still achy back and practice contractions, I'm hot an miserable. My feet and hands are starting to swell and I feel like I'm always in a bad mood. I also am limited in the things I can do with Bella and that has been bothering the both of us. Thursdays have always been our days together since I'm off work. We usually plan something fun or are attached at the hip. Yesterday we were outside in the kiddie pool for about 30 minutes before the sun killed both of us. Well, she was in the pool and I just had my feet in. I don't know how I would have gotten out of the pool had I sat in it. Then, we came inside to cool off. We cuddled watching Sponge Bob for a little bit, but she really wanted to get down on the rug and play. Not really something I can do, so instead I treated her to lunch and we had "picnic" on the rug, to which I lasted for about 15 minutes before my butt hurt so bad that I had to get up. Next, it was nap time, so we cuddled for about an hour together, fast asleep. Bella woke up fully energized and I was still sluggish from the heat. She watched cartoons for about 45 minutes before I got up to get in the shower. She then got a snack and the naughty switch went on. I thought we had a good day, but I guess I was wrong. She threw her napkin on the floor and then demanded I pick it up. When I didn't and explained that we don't do that, she had a fit. So, I went back to my bedroom and put the TV and relaxed until dad came home a few minutes later. It was just wonderful when she told my husband, "no, don't talk to her, talk to me only." Apparently I didn't give Miss Stinky enough attention. When dad had to get in the shower, it was another battle. She wanted his attention and she wanted it now, so she turned her anger on me when we sat down to play Farmville together..... and that's where my day officially went down hill...

I mean, I had been feeling a little queasy when we took a nap, but now I was full on tummy trouble. I was tired again, hot again and just as irritable as my Little Angel. It was time to drop her off at Nana's house. Which we did, but only after a short talk about why she was acting the way she was. I think she still has baby brother anxiety and it's easiest to take it out on me since I'm just not the same mommy lately.

So, again, the sooner we get this baby out, the better. I guess I'm really in for a lot of changes 'til October.... I think it was October that we finally got Bella into a routine and things got smoother. Hopefully we'll have the same luck with Logan. Guess we'll just have to wait and see between now and then, right?


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