Pain in the Butt

I should have been prepared when my doctor said it was almost a guarentee that I would have back problems with this pregnancy like I did with my first. But, I guess I thought it wouldn't happen 'til later. Or maybe I was preoccupied with the fact that I am looking to be a week and half earlier. Either way, I wasn't prepared for getting sore legs with pain that slowly traveled up to my butt and then into my back to the point that I was in tears. I finally gave up and called the doctor and was sent to traige in labor & delivery at the hospital. I kinda pleaded with the nurse at the doctor's office a little, telling her I knew it was sciatica or something similar, but better safe than sorry was the only sympathy I got.

After 3 hours in the hospital and some percocet, I was feeling better. I woke up yesterday feeling great. I limped around a little bit, but not bad. Then, I got out of my mom's car at the doctor's office and the pain shot through my right leg like a bullet. It came and went the rest of the day and got worse at night.

I woke up this morning feeling awful. Not only did I sleep like crap last night, I was in pain. My back hurts all the way down to my legs again. And my chiro is only open 'til noon, so that's a no go to go by myself with a Bella in tow. I'm canceling my hair appointment and staying in my pajamas today. My wonderful Uncle is going to try some massage on my and I'm really hoping that helps. I'm self conscious to hobble around at work tomorrow. Plus, I don't wanna break down and cry in front of people at work if it hurts again. Man, I feel like I'm stuck. I guess I'm looking ahead too much. I'll start with the massage and go from there. I have Bella, Angry Birds and Farmville to keep me occupied until then. =) Ya know, I feel like this pregnancy is one frustration after another. I guess I should be happy it'll end a week and a half sooner and not be frustrated about that either, right??


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