Another reason to love spring....

I'm going to make this short. I'm out of energy (spoons) for the day.

Ironic how what is probably endometriosis resurfacing in my life happens to occur during endometriosis awareness month!

I'm getting anxious to talk to my OBGYN about this. I have no clue what she'll say. I'm even more excited to talk to this pelvic pain specialist up in Phoenix in the next few months. Honestly, I don't want to have another surgery. I'd like to see what my options are first, if there are any. I guess I'll have a lot to consider when I see these doctor folk.

Anywhoo.... My bed is calling me. Actually, I'm in bed in my pajamas already. I couldn't wait to climb in after the kids were tucked in. I wish I had to energy to get up and make some tea, actually. Maybe even a small glass of wine. Just something to relax me even more since I'm comfy enough.

I feel like I'm rambling....

Happy Endometriosis Awareness Month!


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