Day by Day

Today I have officially been diagnosed with "Chronic Pelvic Pain." Well, fuck my life, right? Yeah, but I'm not going to freak out and give myself a panic attack. I'm so over that! I just don't have time to panic. I gotta take this day by day. At least it's bearable pain that's not interfering with my life [yet].

Everything so far points to scar tissues (adhesions) from all the damn surgeries I've had in my life. (I think I've surpassed lucky 13.) Guess we'll wait a spell and see what the new specialist has in mind.

Oh, right! I'm apparently being referred to a doctor in Phoenix that specializes in pelvic pain. ( I'm kinda excited to see what comes of this. Maybe an end? Maybe a new diagnosis? Maybe nothing? Who knows?

At least I have an excuse to visit Fluffit Marshamallows again! Look at me, looking at the bright side and shit! 


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