151 Is Not A Tribute to Bacardi... As Much As I Wouldn't Mind It To Be

I downloaded the FitStar app via my Fitbit a few months ago. I have used the free version about 4 times so far and I really like it. The free version gives you a workout a week, which isn't much, but it definitely helps with motivation. The nice thing, for me, is that the work outs are only about 15-20 minutes long, which is about all I can handle at the moment. 

Staying active has become important to me in the last few years. Well, in the last 5 years since my hysterectomy. Since then, I have still dealt with pelvic pain from ovarian cysts (until I made them remove my last ovary in 2015) and endometriosis pain in my back and legs (which was finally diagnosed properly in 2015 after being suggested time and time again since about 2009), as well as debilitating migraines. Even after my 17 minute workout this morning, I am recliner bound with the heated blanket keeping heat on my back, hip and IT band, which are the source of my latest battle with pain, that I will be victorious over. 

Active for me isn't going to the gym or running miles on end, although I have sought to get a mile down in 15 minutes since receiving a treadmill last summer. Just walking or working in the yard with my garden are great for me. There have been plenty of days where walking is not possible. Think if pain in your legs so bad, they give out getting up to go to the bathroom. No, it's not fun, but I have lived through it. 

Anyhow, here I am, on my 6th day of low carb eating and on my second day of workouts and I anxiously await days in the double digits along with a report of my pain under control, more energy back and a return to work! It's funny the little things that excite you when you have been faced with a daily battle of chronic pain. I still cringe logging into my PCP medical records and the first diagnosis, before endometriosis, in bold letters, is Chronic Pain. Even though I may battle this for the rest of my life, I won't let it win. I can keep going, dust myself off and never feel bad for needing to start again. 


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