Post 150 Is Going To Be About Food

Today I kinda feel like a champion rabbit, with my fluffy fur all shiny in the sun and my little tail happy as can be. Ok, no, not really with the fur and tail, but maybe. 

My primary doctor has been preaching to deaf ears about low carb diets and why it fits me so well. I think after the dairy free bullshit, I wasn't really into committing to another diet. I like food and I like dairy and grain, so fuck off, right? I mean, I've tried, but living a season without a tamale is close to blasphemy. Same goes for sugar cookies. And fudge. And biscochuelos. 

Let's fast forward this. My bestie (I have a few, because, as an adult with kids, I know the importance of friends and social relationships) is currently on the low carb thing and she can go out for lunch and a dinner and still be good. Plus, she made cookies with almond butter that I really enjoyed. Also, having someone else that you can look up to and partner with while doing any kind of life changing diet or exercise I amazing. It's the motivation I crave.

The diet is also the result of some decision making I had to do this week to improve myself. No, not like I'm going to pop open a self help book and become a yogi. I am just frustrated with my body again and these flare ups that I currently can't keep at bay. I absolutely hate having to be unreliable and these last few weeks have been on again off again with my pain cycle. I'm still in that cycle and looking forward to getting more physical therapy in to loosen up my hip and back and try to slow down these muscle spasms that make it impossible to walk without a limp. I also have opted to take some time off from work because I hate doing well for a few days and then needing days off to recover from muscle spasms or another virus that has attacked me weakened immune system. I need to be the best me for everyone, including me. That also means that I have temporarily stopped my beloved allergy shots that keep sinus infections at bay. After the last injection caused inflammation in my arm that took a few days to get over, I figured it was best to stop putting something in my body that would keep the inflammation response strong. I've traded in the allergy injections for B12 injections that should boost my immune system and my energy levels a bit. I could use getting through the day without being exhausted by 5pm. And I could use a few months of not catching every little virus that comes my way. 

Holy shit, this was supposed to be about food! I can turn anything around to be all about me. Ha! 

I'll leave you with this.... cheddar cheese crispies and homemade chili are amazing. Who needs corn bread when you have cheese!!

Onward salad soldiers......


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