a close end to boredom

My 3 days of rest is coming to an end. Well, technically, I'm supposed to take it easy tomorrow too, but I need to get out of the house. Don't worry, I'm not going to run any marathons. Aubrey and I and the kiddos are gonna do lunch. Not sure where yet, though. Guess we'll see what tomorrow's cravings bring.

I got a little stir crazy today until I realized that I could watch "Mystery Diagnosis" without having to turn to the score on the basketball game or have to "share" and watch 30 minutes of Dora. That was when I really started to relax. I tried to sleep twice, but Baby Buddy decided to play a game of inutero football. Not cool. This kid is already driving me nuts. Haha! I also got to stay in my pajamas and eat candy without having to hide out to do it. I didn't indulge too much. I'm still trying to get my proteins in, which I did without trying these last two days. I think I'm eating enough, so it's s not that that is wearing me out. I kinda figured that out on my own today...

There was a FB post about Friday evenings at the zoo, which I immediately decided I wanted to do with Mark and Bella. Hours after contemplating, I realized that I was just going to wear myself out again. I need to keep it simple. I can be super mom without having to work, run home and drag everyone to the zoo. Right? Yes! So, this evening I climbed into Bella's playhouse with her and Mark. We actually all fit, as long as we sat down in our own corners. =) I just need to get me a comfy chair to sit in next time we go outside to play. I can't be crawling in and out of the play house, but I can spend time outside playing with Bella. That's what counts. It doesn't have to be at the zoo, we can have fun outside.

This weekend I've lowered my expectations a little. We're having a yard sale on Saturday and then going paint shopping on Sunday, and that's all. Just maybe maybe we can do breakfast on Sunday morning. I've been craving Sweet Tomatoes after all... but, we'll see how I feel about getting up early and going somewhere. I'm still learning this "take it easy" stuff.


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