Thinking back...

I honestly don't know what has sparked the subject matter job this blog. Perhaps the imminent life changing event about to unfold in the next 6ish weeks? Maybe the continued current state of the economy and the looming losses behind a life sustaining staple such as social security? Or may I've just been looking at old pictures and thinking too damn much. It's definitely NOT got Amy Winehouse finally died! Either way, my adult life this far has been filled with milestones that I never want to forget. I have accomplished a lot of the things I've wanted to do in my life so far and I plan on accomplishing more.

So, here it goes....

At 18, I met the love of my life. At the time he was just another boyfriend passing through between the time I graduated high school and started college. Little did I know what I was in store for.
By this time, I had also already been an assistant manager at two of my jobs and manager at another. Yeah, they weren't really important jobs, but I learned a lot and had a lot of responsibility.

At 21 I had already started working at the job that I would eventually keep for more than 10 years. I also started paying for my own health and dental insurance. Never thought that would happen, but apparently one needs these things. Mind you, I was only working part time, making less than $6/hour and I still had bills to pay, but health insurance was important to me.

At 22, I got married.

At 23, I graduated college and was promoted at my job.

At 25, I got to go to the Bahamas. That was a shining star in all the vacations we had ever taken. It was perfect and it's on my list of things to do again. I will go back.
I also celebrated with a "quarter century old" party. Oh, the fun times we've had!
This is also the year I was diagnosed with PCOS. Figures it happens when we decide to try to have kids. It wasn't supposed to happen so easily, but...

At 26, I was pregnant with my first baby. We bought our first house. We welcomed Bella Angel into the world on September 11th that year.

At 28, we decided to have more kids, but were met with many many problems stemming from my PCOS. I saw 4 different doctors and went through a whole lot of hell.
I also had the opportunity to buy my first brand new car. We drove it off the lot with under 10 miles on it!!

At 29, I was finally told it wasn't possible to have more kids. I was sent to a fertility specialist and after thousands of dollars in medical bills and countless procedures, we gave up and decided to be happy with what life had given us so far.

At 30, we were treated to a much needed vacation in Dallas just before Christmas. Then, I decided to go back to the doctor to keep my PCOS under control (it's a life long disease with most of possible side effects and complications). I was in for a surprise when I found out I was pregnant.
Now we're counting down the days to welcome Mark Logan into the family. I feel like I'm getting old, but I can't wait to see what the rest of my thirties brings me. Maybe it's time to take that break I've been meaning to and just enjoy the things I have. There have been many downsides to the last 10 years as well. I've lost close family members. My husband lost his job as a result of the shitty economy. But, on the good hand, I have so many strong friendships and reasons to celebrate and my husband eventually started working a great job again. Maybe I should print this out and keep it close by. It'll make me think twice when I have a bad day. Maybe that's what I did it. Just in case...


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