And then there were four...

So it was Monday, September 5th. A day past my predicted due date, and still 10 days 'til C section. I had already spent the weekend with painful contractions and walking around at Walmart trying to speed things up. I got up that morning, made breakfast and then it all went down hill from there. Or, I should say, I went down hill from there. Mark took Bella outside to play and my dad came over to vis
it and I laid on the couch feeling like I was going to throw up. My back hurt, my legs hurt, my butt hurt and I didn't want to throw up french toast casserole. I decided to take a shower. On came the lightheaded and dizzy. I r
eally didn't feel good. So, I call Mark in to help me get dressed and I break the news that I thought I should go back to the hospital to see if I was alright. Something was just not right and I couldn't put my finger on it. Mom got off work and picked up Bella and by 1pm we were back in Labor and Delivery.

First, they hydrated me since I was dehydrated from being nauseous. Then, some medicine for the nausea. OK, didn't feel like I had to puke anymore, but I st
ill hurt. I was still only 1cm dilated as I had been for weeks. Now, on with the morphine. This was gonna piss my mom off royal. She hated when the doctor just ordered drugs. I felt go
od for all of a few minutes, but now I could feel the painful contractions again, but they weren't in my back. OK, time to check ag
ain... Still at 1cm. What's next? A shot of terbutaline to stop or slow down contractions again. Nope, doesn't work, just like I tell the nurse it won't. By now we're coming up on 6pm and my contractions hurt, the nausea is back and I sent Mark away to go eat while my mom and Bella came to visit. Of course, before mom
and Bella come over, the nurs
e checks again and I'm 2cm. Oh woo, I really don't know what's next. A phone call to the doctor and the nurse tells me we've scheduled a C section for 7:30 that night. It's time for mom and Bella to split and Mark com
es back, only after eating half of his dinner.

Time for nurses, doctors and an anesthesiologist to flood the little area I have in L&D triage. And time for Mark to get into his space suit:
Now I'm being whisked to the OR and prepped for a spinal. I have no idea what time it is, but everything is moving so damn fast by now. Next thing I know, I'm on my back with the curtain up and Mark by my side. The anesthesiologist reassures me that he's right there if I need anything and then a few mi
nutes later he announces that it's 7pm and I have a son! It was such an easy surgery! I didn't feel a thing and I got to see Baby Mark just minutes after he was born! I couldn't have asked for a an easier delivery or a more wonderful team that helped brin

g my son into the world!!

The recovery went fast and I was up in my room in no time. I couldn't sleep that night waiting for visiting hours so that my Bella could meet her much anticipated baby brother. It was a moment I will never forget!
I was able to get up and walk around about 8 hours after the surgery and I got to come home Thursday afternoon. I was getting very homesick in the hospital and Bella really missed her parents and her own home. Many many thanks to Nana for being able to take care of Bella for the 4 days we were in the hospital!!

It's been almost a week at home and we're adjusting. There have been challenges, but we have faced every single one with our stores of wisdom from Bella's baby days. We're pros at this now!


  1. He is so cute! I'm bummed I'm not there to do his baby pictures and announcements :(

  2. We'e bummed too! We keep saying "we wish Lindsey was still in Tucson!"


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