2011, where the hell did you go?

I really have been trying to think about everything that 2011 brought me, but I went to therapy for that. It's time to look forward!

Logan just hit 4 months yesterday. I'm looking forward to his reflux getting under control. Thankfully, he got tons of bibs and new clothes for christmas, so it's cutting down my laundry need a little. He's still on two different formulas and medicine and he's also started solids. We started early since one of his formulas has rice cereal in it already, we figured, might as well. We have noticed a big change in him since. He's spitting up a little less. He's sleeping through the night. He's on a set schedule. And he's not constipated anymore. I also have been doing
something I NEVER dreamed I would do... I've been making my own baby food. I started with some pureed pumpkin when I cooked my last pumpkin last month. He loved it! Then, for Christmas I got an immersion blender and have made him applesauce, bananas, and broccoli. Basically, he eats what we eat. I just cook everything bland, portion out some for Logan and then season the rest for us to have for dinner.

Bella is back in school and loving it! I get to register her for kindergarten in two weeks. I'm so excited for her to be starting kinder already! She's so smart, I can't wait to see her grow and learn and bloom. She is nervous about kindergarten because it will be a new school and new teachers, but I think that will come and go until she jumps in come August.

As for me, I'm planning two major things this year... One is the kids birthdays, of course. I like to start early, even though I have about 9 months.

The other is a trip to Vegas for our 10 year anniversary in December. I just wanna go and stay in a hotel and eat at the buffets and go shopping and sight seeing for a weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I make this happen. But, I get what I want, so it probably will.

I also start back to work next week. I only work one day, but that was just fine 'cos I get to volunteer at Bella's school on Monday and attend the PAC meeting on Wednesday and go shopping for new glasses on Friday. Busy week for me!!

Ah well... I'm out of ideas for now. It's almost time to get the gang ready to go to Nanie's house for dinner. And I think Logan needs a clean shirt. He's also teething. Drool and spit up. Nice.

Until I have 15 minutes again... Bring it on 2012!!


  1. Nice post and they look so adorable. I like it. Good job and big thanks for sharing.

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