Let me rewind myself a few weeks back to March. I went to my annual exam with my OBGYN and decided it was best to make an appointment for a surgery consultation in September. I was thinking ahead a little. I knew I was bound to have problems with my ovaries and with scar tissue from my C section and I also wanted to get my tubes tied and be done with it. I discussed all this with the wonderful nurse practitioner, who thought it was great that I was thinking ahead. She also warned me that if I started having pain again from cysts that I would need to bump up the appointment. No problem, I thought. I also had committed to exercising and trying my best to keep a high protein diet and eat my vegetables. I figured that this time around I was gonna be on top of my ovaries.

Bah! Fast forward to midnight last night. I turned over in my sleep and was very rudely awakened by a terribly sharp pain in my left side. I thought I could wait it out and tried to fall back asleep. But, 15 minutes later, the pain was intense of enough to bring tears to my eyes and take me to the ER at such an ungodly hour. 

What could it be? Possibly appendicitis or a kidney stone or a GI reaction from the antibiotics I was taking for my nasty bout of bronchitis. I didn't even think it would be a cyst until my CT results from the  hospital revealed it was nothing serious. I probably do have a little GI irritation from the antibiotics, but I also probably have a cyst. Fuck me. No really. I feel like I am just perpetually fucked by this condition. Here I am trying to take care of myself and get ahead of it and, BAM! it hits me out of no where. Maybe I should have paid more attention to my body or something. I have a few tell tale signs of PCOS like acne. I should have noticed. 

So, in the meantime, I wait for my doctor's office to open to move up that September appointment to next week or sooner. Maybe I should just have these damn things taken out. I don't know... I hope I can figure it out soon because I refuse to go through months and months of pain ever again. I also refuse to go to the ER at 1am again. 

I'm gonna try not to complain and ask why me all day. I'm gonna try. The only thing I can think is maybe there's a reason for this. Maybe I get to go through it so my daughter never has to. This is a "health problem" that just really fucking sucks. And there's no cure for it. Maybe I need to shout about it a little and make people aware of it. I need to do something. I'm just not sure what yet. 

I'll figure it out.


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