Let's empty this out of my head for now

Almost two weeks since my surgery and I still hurt. I guess that's expected, but I sucks. I was only able to do about 20 minutes of yoga  before I had to pop some ibuprofen and relax. Sucks sucks sucks.

So, last Friday I had my follow up with the doctor. Apparently I didn't have any cysts this time, but I had scar tissue that was so bad, it was pulling my uterus to the left and it completely covered my ovary and fallopian tube on the left side. Yuck. I also had fibroids on my ovary that were biopsied, but are believed to be nothing of concern. The doctor said that if I wanted to get pregnant again (which I don't), I probably only have the use of my right ovary. And, if the pain doesn't go away, I may need another surgery to "clean me out" again. I also inquired about getting my tubes tied. If I don't need another surgery, they can do this new thing called Essure that is supposed to be easy and non invasive. Fine, but I have this gut feeling that I'm going to need another surgery. I wonder if they just took my left ovary out if that would stop the pain from the scar tissue forming? I wonder what effect it would have on my PCOS (or, PSOD as they call it... a disease and not just a syndrome). I have a lot of questions and over a week before I go back. I was told to call if I was in pain, but I'm just going to keep note of what I do to trigger the pain. So far, it looks like working out, even jut yoga, is out until I'm all better. I work this Saturday, which I'm looking forward to. I'm just a little scared of being in pain. I don't want to have to come home early because I hurt or spend the evening in bed with percocet.

Ah well, only time will tell. But this is one time I wouldn't mind if time would hurry the fuck up so I could know what's next for my body.

Well, now that that's off my chest, I have two kiddos ready for afternoon snacks and cartoons.


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