
Another round of surgery, another disappointment. Well, sort of. Wednesday morning I went in to have my Implanon removed and have my tubes tied. I was also supposed to have more scar tissue removed and possibly have my left ovary removed, since after my last surgery, it was most likely non-functional. I had explained to my doctor that I was starting to have bad pain again. The pain started out as cramps about a month and a half ago and in the last two weeks has been more like sharp stabbing pain.

My tubes were tied, but other than that, the surgery turned out to be more exploratory. My left ovary had attached itself to my uterus, making it really difficult and risky to remove. My surgery was done at an outpatient surgery center, not at a hospital, which is probably where some of the risk came from. I probably also have another band of scar tissue that needs to be removed. My doctor explained to my grandma, who was with me for the surgery, that I will probably still be pain. Not cool news to hear. My doctor also explained that I will most likely have to have a hysterectomy. OK, also not what I wanted to hear. I was really, really, really, truly hoping that this surgery was going to be the last, the end of it, the period at the end of this health nightmare sentence.

Now I have a week and a half until I have a follow up and can ask more questions. Seems like it’s going to be a long wait for me. I’m going to pass part of the time doing some research on hysterectomies and the other part resting and catching up on movies. I have started both today. A hysterectomy will be done at the hospital and will be followed by a hospital stay of up to 4 days. Seems like a C-Section all over again. There are three types of hysterectomies. One in which just the uterus is removed, one in which the uterus and cervix are removed and the last is where every part of your reproductive system is taken out. Not sure which category I will fall into yet. The other thing to consider is how it’s going to be done. The easiest is to remove everything vaginally, the hardest is to open up my C-Section scar again and go from there. There’s a lot to consider here. My head is already buzzing. The recovery time is 4-8 weeks depending on what is taken out and how. OK, I’m really reeling now. I think it’s time to stop here and get on to my couch surfing.

In the meantime, if anyone can tell me their hysterectomy stories, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’m really not afraid or worried. I’ve grown past any fear and worry in the last few years. I just need information now.  


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