Oh, really?

So, it's Saturday here. My day to be at work and not change diapers or play super heroes. That is, unless both kids are sick and you have to take them to urgent care. 

OK, well we started off with only one sick kid and then the other got on the bandwagon. 

Bella's had a cough for about a week now. It wasn't getting any better, even after missing two days of school and relaxing with the humidifier on and a bottle of cough syrup ready for action. I got ready for work like any Saturday, but during breakfast, Bella coughed so hard, milk shot out of her nose. That was the last straw for me. Time to call the pediatrician for some advice. (and hoping to get her better for school on Monday) The pediatrician was of no help. I was basically told to wait 'til the afternoon and if her cough didn't go away, take her to urgent care. Or, if by tomorrow she was still coughing, urgent care was needed. I knew she's still be coughing. She still is in her room as I type this. It was inevitable I was destined for urgent care. 

Then, the little one got in on the cough. Well, he'd been coughing for about two days and had been full of boogers since he got over his cold two weeks ago. And when dad showed me the mass amount of boogers that had came out of little boy's nose, I decided he was going to urgent care too. 

I actually had a pleasant visit at urgent care. There was no wait and they got me in and out quick. Bella is at the end of a case of RSV. She just needs to rest up a little. If her fever stays gone, she can go back to school on Monday. Not too bad. I just hope her cough doesn't linger too long. Little Boy has an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection. Good call taking him in too! 

But now I'm stressed out. I think I tend to get too worked up when the kids get sick. I'm worried Bella's cough won't get better or that Logan's ear infection won't clear up. Is this normal? I mean, I've been fighting off a cold for 3 weeks now and really haven't thought much of it. Maybe I got them sick. And how could I have missed an ear ache? I think I'm having a 'bad mom' moment and I don't know how to cure that. I long to be at work and not worry, but I know I'd be there worrying even more. So, instead of getting some rest, I'm here, typing away, listening for their coughs or cries. March better bring us some healthy vibes. Two sick kids is too much for me!


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