I don't watch the news anymore

I don't really give a shit about much lately. Well, as news and politics are concerned. I'm a registered Republican, but Republicans and Democrats alike can line up to kiss my ass. Here's why...

I could really give a crap about gay marriage lately. I don't care who gets married. Marriage as an institution has already been ruined by celebrities and their two second nuptials, I don't really think that two men or women that love each other can do more damage than Britney Spears. Marriage also predates current organized religious traditions. Pretty sure the Vikings had plenty of proper marriage traditions and they were far from Cristian or Catholic traditions. I'm also pretty sure that Christians held the Vikings in thought as base  pagans, yet toward the end of the Viking age, plenty converted. Whatever. If you want to get married, go for it. It's hard work. I know. If you're not up the hard work, don't do it. Same goes for having kids, though.

Guns don't kill people; people kill people. As do bombs, box cutters and starving 10 year olds to death (you see why I don't watch the news?). Keep your panties on, people. I don't care if you want to own a gun. I don't care if you want strict background checks. Because criminals really pass those to get guns, right?  I think there's a bigger issue here than gun control and background checks. Maybe we should pay attention to people. Let's spend more money on mental healthcare. Let's build our communities tighter. Let's raise our kids to be upstanding citizens. Maybe then we will see a decrease in incidents of mass tragedy. Maybe. That shit's also been around for ages, though. 

I think it's funny that the media and social networks paint these pictures of what Republicans and Democrats should be like. I think we set ourselves up for a pile of shit when we rehash what the media tells us is important. Not all Republicans are religious. Not all Democrats are hippies. We spew nonconformist jargon all day and at the end, we still fit everyone into these little stereotypical boxes. I'm tired of it. So, I'm just gonna tune out. I think everyone should start doing the same.

Maybe we should take things a step further. If you don't like something, change it. You hate Obama, but you're not registered to vote? How does that shit work? You hate Republicans because all Republicans hate gays? Oh, now that circle is complete. You reposted the meme saying "you must be a Liberal because you don't think bashing Christianity is a hate crime." Pinch my ass and call me a Liberal, then. I don't fit into your box. Can't we just be who we are and stand for what we believe in without having to fit into a category? 

I don't know where I'm going with this... Whatever. It's dinner time. I'm making fried rice and I'm not Asian. 

"Sometimes standing for what you believe means standing alone."


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