Keep Calm

I don't know why, but I'm having a "fuck you" kind of manic moment right now. And it's barely Wednesday. Stress has already fucked up my body enough this week. I thought it had already caught up with me, but I guess that bitch is still hounding. I thought maybe my allergies would ease the fuck up, but that's not happening. I can't put my finger on it. I think I need some headphones and a quiet spot. Or maybe some more booze. Ugh, I don't know.

Maybe I should just get up and start yelling about how fucking awesome I am. But I don't think I need to yell. It just pours out of me. 

And now I want a new tattoo. Don't tell me mom. She'll read this on her own. And then I'll hear, "no, you don't need anymore tattoos." But truth is, "we want more, we want more!"

At least I'm responsible. There are others who aren't. And I can't wait to watch them wither away and have their children follow suit. Yeah, we're better than you and yours. 

And what's with people unfriending me on Facebook? Thanks for the laugh 'cos nothing screams "attention" like "cleaning out your friends list." Sorry I don't support stupidity. But you get no apology for my shit talking. It keeps me entertained. And some of your other friends are probably entertained by it too. Too bad not everyone who gets offended is following suit. I like "cleaning out my friend list" by being a bitch. I mean, by being me. You know, the awesome me. 

You know what else is cool. My daughter has completely taken to heart that her name means beautiful. To the point where, while she's reading, she replaces the word beautiful with her name. That's my girl! My 5 year old that reads at a beginning 4th grade level. Yes, I will brag. I earned bragging rights the minute my emergency C-section began with no anesthesia. I still wonder if that's why I always felt my PAD pain in the same spot I felt them cutting?

Ah well, I think I should go now. I've worn out my own welcome.


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