
I'm an open book mostly. But I have to confess I'm in love with working out now. I don't know why. Maybe it's because my personal trainer is fucking hot. Maybe because vanilla bean whey protein is pretty tasty. Maybe it's just because I'm back and better than ever.

I've always been a confident woman. I've always loved attention. I still do and I still get it. I'm also basking in the idea that for 33, I look damn good. Two kids and all.

I also feel that for the great deal women talk about confidence and body image, it's all talk. We can bitch about it all we want, but until we get off our asses and make changes, talk is cheaper than dollar store lipstick. And I don't do cheap lipstick.

So, here's to me and any other woman willing to change. It's only us that have earned the right to talk.


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