Happy Monday??

Two days post op here... that makes 7 abdominal surgeries in my life. Yuck. It was unavoidable.

Friday I woke up with pain in my lower belly, but it wasn't that bad, so I went about my day as usual. It was actually a good day as I got to be on the floor at work, which I actually really miss.

By Friday evening, the pain had gotten worse and and my belly swelled up making me look 5 months pregnant.

It was off to the ER, where a CT scan revealed my appendix was twice the size it should be and I had a large cyst on my ovary. I also had a very quick ultrasound where the tech encouraged me to keep asking for pain meds since the cyst was pretty bad.

I had surgery Saturday morning, even though it was scheduled for Saturday evening and the surgeon hadn't even seen me yet.

The surgeon was amazing! He was able to remove my appendix and the cyst and not cut any muscle, making for a faster recovery.

I am still sore and swollen, but feeling so much better than I did Friday evening. So far, this has been the fastest recovery I've ever had.

My goal is to be back at work by the end of the week, even if I have to wear sweatpants! 

I'll be fine. I'm handling this much better than I thought I would. Having surgery has to be one of my fears. I'm not a fan of my ovary problems,  but I think I'm handling my body much better than I ever have!

I'll update later this week. Fingers crossed for going back to work Thursday!


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