
Showing posts from August, 2014

Light the candles

So I decided to really look at the calendar and realized it's just two weeks and two days till Loki turns 3. I really want to know where the time went. Seems like only last year I was bringing him home from the hospital. And now he's 3! Not to mention my Bella is going to be 7! Three weeks and one day till lucky number 7! And I can't stop thinking of all the milestones still to come.... Like I want to rush them and really have some fun. But I don't wanna  rush them. Not one bit. As much as it pains me to get them to brush their teeth every night and go get in bed and stay in bed... I'm going to miss it one day. Soon enough they'll be out with their friends raising hell and I'll be old. Haha! I don't think I'm going to look at the calendar again any time soon.

And again

I think it's time for the daily blogs again. I'm overwhelmed and falling behind. I think I need to organize my thoughts and get some things out of my head. I haven't remembered any of my dreams lately. Either because I'm so tired or I don't get enough sleep or I just really am overwhelmed. But the other night I dreamed about you. It rained hard that night. And I dreamed I was running away in the pouring rain. You were chasing me, trying to catch make and tell me it was going to be alright. I stopped and let you catch me and it was alright. I think I feel into a deep sleep after that and woke up oddly at peace. I didn't question my dream. I didn't think about it much. I just knew that you would make everything better. And then every day since that night, you have made it better. Even for just a moment that I stop going crazy. I am happy. And that is amazing. So.... I leave you with that. Just for these moments I can stop. I need to stop more. Just stop an...