And again

I think it's time for the daily blogs again. I'm overwhelmed and falling behind. I think I need to organize my thoughts and get some things out of my head.

I haven't remembered any of my dreams lately. Either because I'm so tired or I don't get enough sleep or I just really am overwhelmed.

But the other night I dreamed about you. It rained hard that night. And I dreamed I was running away in the pouring rain. You were chasing me, trying to catch make and tell me it was going to be alright. I stopped and let you catch me and it was alright. I think I feel into a deep sleep after that and woke up oddly at peace. I didn't question my dream. I didn't think about it much. I just knew that you would make everything better.

And then every day since that night, you have made it better. Even for just a moment that I stop going crazy. I am happy. And that is amazing.

So.... I leave you with that. Just for these moments I can stop. I need to stop more. Just stop and remember that I can be happy.


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