That point in time

Today I reached that point in time where I just had to lay in bed and think about everything. I can't rush time and I certainly don't want to slow it down. So much ran through my mind, but the lingering thought was how damn uncomfortable I am. I feel like I'm in thr last month of pregnancy again. I have to pee all the damn time. I'm always hungry, but the pressure of my swelling makes me feel like everything I eat is huge and heavy. I'm overly emotional. I'm exhausted.

But, I still don't think I've reached my breaking point. Aside from all the waiting games, I have been in constant contact witb the doctor's office. I'm going to stick it out one more day at work and then finally take a leave until I am back to my old self.

At least now I know that by next week I should be able to start the first injection that will eventually provide some long term relief. My goal is to make it more than two years without needing surgery or having these shitty symptoms. Fingers crossed!

Tonight is definitely an ice cream night. Good thing I picked some up today!!


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