Rough week post COVID dose one

 It was a necessary evil, or whatever people call it. I had to get my COVID shot. My hip has been giving me serious grief, especially with the no rain, rainy weather we're having. So, it's getting injected again along with my SI joints, but I needed to get vaccinated first because all them pain relieving steroids tend to knock my immune system down like a bought boxer in a two round knock out. Although, I'm feeling like I walked into a bar fight and didn't walk out. My nose is so stuffed, I can't hear through my right ear. Funny how that shit works, eh?

The best part of the first dose of the vaccine has been watching my teenager cry over a sore arm while I cough up boogers the size of mucous plugs. Yep. I went there (um, this is a mom blog. If it has to do with vaginas, I'll talk about it at some point in time). I'm not even going to touch on the post nasal drip that makes everything taste like I'm a toddler with a hardcore booger addiction that no 12 step program can touch. Mmmmm... snot n' pizza. My favorite!

But in the midst of all this, I've made some seriously gorgeous baubles. I've had a all these ideas floating around in my sinuses apparently and now that they're on tissue, it's easy peasy to get them to life. I'm sorry I can't stop talking about my bodily fluids, although this, in particular, is not quite fluid. At least they're clear. And I wash my hands. And use my favorite strawberry-scented hand sanitizer a lot. I mean, A. LOT. My cuticles are red and some of  them are even filled with dry blood. My middle finger cuticles are scabbed, and not just from using my middle finger too much. (I promise my baubles are booger-free and consider this promise being here, in writing, signed by me.)

At least this week I've gotten my absolute must do's done and I've put everything else to the side. Laundry can wait til tomorrow. I mean, we're got plenty of clean chonies. Dishes haven't been too bad. The kids pick up after themselves well enough. Dinners have been planned in advance. I gotta take care of me. Also, I hate being sick. Like, I was good for the last two years almost. 

Ugh, the more I talk about it, the more I wanna go back to bed. At least I look pretty, make up, snot rags and all! Discovery Plus is calling. It's also snack-o'clock. My hip hurts. 


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